Crane hooks are classified depending on their manufacturing materials as well as the intended usage and, (amongst other factors) according to this, some aspects are more important than others. Different types of crane hooks can be classified according to their shapes, method of manufacture, mode of operation or other unique characteristics.
They are made in a variety of styles to meet specific needs and they are rated for loads of specific type and size. To understand this deeply, we will focus on the main types of crane hooks available in the market and see which applications they are most suitable for.
Before we start though, is important to remember that crane hooks or lifting hooks are necessary in order to move different and many types of loads and that there are a lot of uses depending on the application the intended use is for.
A Quick Look at the Different Types of Crane Hooks
Crane hooks are available in a wide range of configurations based upon their size, their load capacity and their intended use. It should therefore come as no surprise that there are a number of crane hook types of choose from. These include:
Single and double hooks
Forging and laminated hooks
Closed and semi-closed hooks
Electric rotary hooks